Lose Inches With Kybella In Missouri City, TX and Surrounding Areas

Kybella is a nonsurgical injectable technique used to target the fat beneath the chin. The process uses a series of deoxycholic acid injections to target the fat cells in this area. No incisions are required, and the downtime is minimal in most cases.

Deoxycholic acid is a bile acid, naturally produced by your body to help absorb fat. Kybella injections use a synthetic form of this as an injection. Once injected, the acid destroys fat cells beneath the chin area so it can’t store fat anymore. 

Kybella: The Injection That Removes A Double Chin

Kybella: Fat Removal For Stomach And Other Areas

While FDA approved for treatment under the chin, Kybella has been successfully used to kill fat cells in other areas like the abdomen, back, and arms. Kybella can be an effective treatment option for these areas to help achieve a more contoured and sculpted look. 

The Kybella Treatment

The number of injections depends on how much fat is present in the targeted area and your desired look. During the Kybella treatment, we will intermittently use ice packs to minimize discomfort related to the injections. You will receive 20 to 50 injections into the targeted areas. The acid then works gradually to kill fat cells, which are metabolized by the body over the following weeks. The number of treatment sessions necessary varies for each person. Multiple treatments might be needed to reach optimal results. Treatments are scheduled 4-6 weeks apart. The treatment time takes 20-30 minutes.

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What To Expect During Recovery

Recovery time is very minimal with Kybella. Downtime could last from 1-3 days. You may notice some swelling, bruising, or itching at the area of the injections. This is normal and should go away within a week or two. Once the swelling has subsided, the fat cells are permanently removed.


Chin $500

Bra/Back $800

Abdomen $900

Flanks (love handles) $800

Arms $800

This product is FDA approved

Look Revived


 Beautiful Again

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We are located at 7070 Knights Ct. Ste 1601, Missouri City, TX 77459.

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